mama stories week 5

My baby turned two this week. Most people grieve that process—when our babies age. Although it’s hard to see her need me less, it’s also amazing. She’s so special. She’s funny and kind and brave and quick-witted (like her mama). It’s an honor to spend each day with her. I know they are not guaranteed. Seems like yesterday she was connected to me & I was growing her 🤍

Every single year, for my kids birthdays, I write them a letter. I tell them about what we did & what they are like. I’m saving them all and they can open them when they are 18. I think it’s a special way to remember these times

My Bailey girl is a golden ray of sunshine & I am so grateful for her unconditional love everyday. We truly don’t deserve dogs ✨

I think the hardest thing for new parents is to slow down. To cuddle your baby, contact nap with them, or rest yourself. When you’re a second time parent, you truly realize how fast everything goes & how one day they won’t need your cuddles or your touch to go to sleep. It’s a lot easier to embrace this time around.

My babies went to Disneyland!!!! And I can confirm you are never really too young to go to the happiest place on earth 🫶🏼

I love making birthdays special especially for my babies. Every year I make a banner of their funny faces at that age. And this year, being in a hotel room, we brought the banner & balloons with us!

Lots of spicy convos this week. Mainly about a lady, named C, who preys on new mothers just to get their money. Is it dramatic? Maybe. Is it true? Yes.

I loveeeeee helping people breastfeed. So grateful I can connect with mothers & remind them of their power.

Man why do pitpulls get a bad rep still??? They are legitimately the sweetest dogs. Adopt don’t shop 🖖🏼


Caring For Your Intact (uncircumcised) Male Infant


mama stories week 4